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tv   Studio B With Shepard Smith  FOX News  July 23, 2012 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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not good. into the water. an employee and another customer jumped in to rescue her. she was take to a local hospital with only minor injuries. thank you for watching everybody. here is shepard. >>shepard: car will need another wash. the news begins anew on "studio b." not first time since police accused him of the whole thing in the crowded movie theater the man reportedly calling himself "the joker" appears in court. complete with a bad dye job, drooping head and sometimes appears to be close to falling asleep. appeared to be. no clue. and now coverage on the hearing, the 14509ing -- shooting and the investigation. all look at likes of the 12 who do not make it out alive. >> the ncaa handing penn state harsh penalties today. some of the worst ever.
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the ncaa says they did nothing while the pedophile assistant coach spent years abusing small children sometimes on university property. penn state will now pay with titles, prestige and money and so much more. all ahead unless breaking news changes everything. this is "studio b." >> but, first from fox at 3:00 in new york city the man accused in the movie theater massacre appeared days and despondent. inside a colorado courtroom james holmes frowned, closed his eyes, hung his head. but from what we saw he never said a word. the former graduate student is accused of killing 12 and injuring 58 others. he was wearing a gas mask and dressed in ballistic gee.
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witnesses ran or dove for cover. yesterday, the president met with some of the survivors. among them, two best friends. one credited with saving the other's live. 19-year-old alliy young was gushing blood when her friend pulled her to the ground, held the wound, refused to leave, even as the bullets were flying. of course many did not make it out. these are the 12 who died. officials say their families will have a say in whether the prosecution decides to pursue the death penalty games james holmes. we have coverage this afternoon. mike tobin is at the hospital and we will have an update on the injured. and outside the courthouse in colorado, west of aurora, colorado, the scene of the crime, near littleton, colorado. what happened in court today? >>reporter: well, holmes did not have the charges filed.
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that comes in a week when the district attorney formerally -- formally files against judge holmes. he sat away from the defense team, and away from the rest of the people in court. the judge asked if he understood the rights but he did not answer. and, then, the judge addressed bond. >> this is a preliminary determination of probable cause to believe you committed the offense of first-degree murder, a class one fellow. ordinarily individuals are entitled to bail, given the nature of the charges you are being held on a no bond hold. >> now, once the district attorney files charges, she will have the option to add to what expected to an very long list of charges. >>shepard: some of the victim family members were in court. how are they holding up. >>reporter: an emotional day as you would expect. for instance, there was the
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father of one of the victim whose sat in the front row in court today and just stared straight at holmes who did not look at anyone. just stared forward. at times he looked down. and, then, there was a young woman who is 17, who was shot in the face, and the bullet is still lodged if her children. she was in there, as well. she told me she wanted holmes to pay not pain he caused. the d.a. says that this case is eligible for the death penalty. but it is a complicated process to get to that decision. >> i don't think that's a case that can be made not abstract. there is so much that victims have to take into account. victims will be impacted by that decision in an enormous way for years. if the death penalty is sought. that's a very long process. that impacts their lives. for years. so, they will want to have, and we will want to get their input before we make any kind of decision on that. >>reporter: and, giving the
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victims that input, she added, could take a long time because there are hundreds of people involved here. >>shepard: thank you from the courthouse. police are responding to reports of suspicious packages at the shooting suspect's former medical school. mike tobin has that news from the colorado school of medicine. what do we know of the packages? >>reporter: it could be overstating to call it a flurry of suspicious packages but this is the campuses service building. we saw the robot move into that building in the back. another suspicious package found before they cleared the old hospital building where we saw the bomb robot come out the back door, carrying a package. neither the f.b.i. or the spokesman for the campus will tell us what was in there. we know we have a couple of suspicious packages. one was taken away. we do not want to be too
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alarmist and say there are bombs popping up all over the campus. it speaks to howskittish people are. you have the bomb robot at work not building behind me. >>shepard: and the investigators are working on all the stuff they found in the suspect's apartment. what do we know? >>reporter: there is a mountain of evidence in that apartment, now, mostly because the explosives did not go off. they got the explosives out of the apartment. they trucked it to a remote location south of here. where all of the explosives were destroyed in a controlled environment. so, among the things we know are part of the evidence, a central processing unit from a computer taken out. a laptop computer came out. we have sources telling us there was a batman poster inside of that apartment, and, also, a batman series mask. not necessarily batman, but something from the series. so a lot of evidence to go through. we, learn a lot about this james holmes as they go through what was found not apartment. >>shepard: thank you, mike tobin, from the scene.
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>> arthur is here, "studio b" legal contributor, and, arthur, watching him in court today there is no way if us to know but this is a smart guy. he studied the way the mind works and the way the body works and he is like this for, what, 20 minutes. whether you buy it or not he seems to try to give us the impression he is not quite there. >>arthur: he is not quite there. anyone who is going to do what he did is not there. period. whether it is an act, he is the only one who knows unless he is subjected to an m.r. and they find a big tumor if his brain and it is provable beyond all doubt that he really had a mental disease or defect. short of that, no one is going to try the insanity defense. he had a timer set up in his house set to music, that would blair and at the same time he would start the shooting and he
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wanted the neighbors to call the cops who would go do his house, they would on the door, and, boom, and all the explosives could go off and all the resources of the town would be at his hour with dead police officers and dead firemen and he has time to execute everyone in the movie theater. there is no jury that will give him the luxury of being incarcerated in a hospital for life versus being incarcerated in jail. or getting the death penalty the rest of his life. what the prosecutor said, she was excellent. the victims' families if they go for the death penalty they live with this for a long time. as you know, a death penalty case goes on forever. and, the time of execution goes on forever, opposed to she just said, if this man is willing to take a plea bargain, rather than death, life without parole and you could have closure in 12 months rather than 12 years. >>shepard: but my experience
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of covering these going back to ted bundy they usually kill themselves. the unabomber, so many want do have something to say and i wonder if that isn't part of what he is doing and if so, how do you stop him in >>arthur: if you saw the presentation that clip of him from eight years ago, this is a smart guy. this is not just a jerk who picked up a gun and started firing away. there is something going on in his brain that is extraordinary. it is too early to tell what. i was watching him and i have done 5,000 arraignments, the same procedure, usually, because it is the most important moment of your life, usually the defendant is listening to what is going on because they have an interest in their life. this guy, i don't know if he is on drugs, putting on an act or just, really, gone, mentally just lost his mine. >>shepard: i don't know if there is a way to find that out. but, if there ever was a case of
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premeditation, he has been getting ready for this for months. >>arthur: 6,000 rounds of ammunition ordered online. that does not send off a signal? he left a crazy voice mail message for someone else. there were a lot of signals for a lot of different people. not just one person. people say, well, this is -- something is not right here. and the little device with the timer, with the stereo system blaring did not go off in time, otherwise, do you know how many would have been killed in the whole building was rigged to go up? >>shepard: and a couple of guns jammed although he had a 100-magazine clip. >>arthur: he is so sick with automatic of that in his hands is very scary. >>shepard: much more coming up on the colorado massacre. and more on the people who died in the theater. also the punishment for the coverup at penn state. tens of millions in fines.
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>>shepard: penn state's coach joe paterno is no longer the winningest coach in the history in the eyes of the ncaa with very tough punishments over the school's response to the child sex abuse allegations surrounding penn state assistant football coach vacating all wins from 1998 through 201. none of the victories counts anymore. less than two weeks good morning an internal investigation found that as early as 1998 members of
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the top brass including joe pa covers up the accusations that sandusky molested young boys bod they fined penn state $60 million, reduced the number of scholarships available to students, reduced by ten over four years, ban the school from post-game participation for four years. and place penn state on probation for five years. today the president of the ncaa hopes the new punishment will send a message. >> our goal is not to be just punitive. but to make sure the university establishes an athletic culture and mindset in which football will never again be placed ahead of educating, nurturing, and protecting young people. >> he did not impose the so-called death penalty which would shut down the football program entirely. but many believe this could be worse. paterno's family blasted the ncaa saying the punishment have defamed the coach's legacy. and now, a sports attorney, a
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former adjunct professor teaching sports ethics. what do you think of this, big picture? >>guest: tragedy. historical event for college sports. and in academia. more importantly, you have to look at, think of the endowment of penn state. penn state as a whole, it is a great school, and they got hit very hard. >>shepard: steve, i know imposing the death penalties requires they be on probation but a lot of people have argued today that this is, really, worse than the debt penalty which would have shultz down down -- shut down the program for a year but this says you cannot participate in anything after the regular season. do you not get money from the big ten football contract. who not world would want to come there beside those who are there already, and how many of their people will stay? this program could be this deep
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jeopardy. >>guest: you are absolutely right. it is a tragedy. for a student athlete now to transfer to another university, and, to get into a university because, you know, it is very difficult. you cannot just pick up and leave. in july. and hope you will be playing football come august. so, the teams have charts, players, the rotation. for some of the marquis players can you not just pick up and leave even if you offered a scholarship. it will be very difficult. >>shepard: and one was talking of going to chapel hill. state college, arthur, the penn state football problem is not anything like it is now, they did not seat 110,000 people. you wonder if it will become something smaller without as much money. that will affect penn state, and, as well, the people of pennsylvania and the institution and the rest.
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>>arthur: i don't know how the budget plays out but they get millions and millions and millions --. >>shepard: $60 million, about, and that is how they came up with the fine. >>arthur: are they allowed to use that for --. >>shepard: all athletics. >>arthur: so, the troublesome part, some kid on the track team, he is suffering for what this, person, mr. sandusky did. a woman on the field hockey team is suffering for what mr. mr. sandusky did. i understand, a message needs to be sent to the heads of the school to protect our children but the part of the punishment is tough to swallow because it affects others. >>shepard: there are a lot of people being punished but everyone who is there and wants to go somewhere else can leave. normally if you transfer you cannot have to sit out a year.
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as for the university itself, i cannot even imagine them being able to fill that place up. no one is more hardened and more passionate than a penn state football fan, but you wonder if three years from now or five years from now, when they are not plague at a big den -- ten level and if they are losing every game you wonder if they can sustain it. >>arthur: fill take a decade. >>shepard: if it does not take a decade it will be a miracle. >> thank you, after years in jail a former cop who keeps losing his wives is on trial. finally. jury selection started today in the case of drew peterson for the death of wife number three. wife number four is still something of a mystery. tough day for the 401(k) again with stocks taking a beating. that is coming up.
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>>shepard: the cop from chicago who keeps losing his likes introduced himself to the jurors today. he is on trial for the death his third wife who drowned, somehow in a dry path tub in 2004. investigators originally ruled her death "an accident," but reopened the case after his fourth wife, stacey peterson, vanished in 2007. police say he is still a suspect in her disappearance. that is the third wife on the left. the fourth wife is just missing and no charges on the right. he claims that he is innocent in both cases. this is the same guy who called to a chicago radio station and offered himself as a prize in a "win a date withdrew peterson contest," after the fourth wife
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disappeared. reporters inside the courtroom say during the jury selection drew peterson stood and introduced himself to the 40 potential jurors with a trademark beard and mustache gone. arthur is back with us. drew peterson, some names will come up for the rest of the career and that is one of them. >>arthur: depend on the outcome of the trial. the key for the jury is to watch people that do not watch a lot of news. but this is probably on the regular news. so, he was such a character, he was flaunting himself wherever he could. i remember you interviewed him and he pulled the thing out of his ear, and stormed -- he is a showman. that brings you that much more to people's attention which means people have a prejudice against you. on the jury selection what you trying to do is weed out the people who have a preconceived notion as to your guilt and innocence so it is hard to do. what is most surprising is that
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there are only 40 potential jurors. i thought there would be 400. what happens, the jury says, i am joe brown and i live in this neighborhood. and the judge says what do you know of the case? i heard about this. he killed one wife. and another. you are excused for cause. >>shepard: bring in the second panel. >>arthur: the third panel. it is working as heck. >>shepard: this guy, you know, his wife number three, she drowned in a dry bat tub and this is a cop at time, he was a police officer, and investigators decided this was just an accident because the truth is, people drown in dry bathtubs every day. >>arthur: well, it had to do with going out and they exhumed the body and originally it was ruled an accident of the when the fourth body went missing, someone said, four, four wives? give me a break and they went back to number he and now they feel, they better have, the prosecution better have enough evidence to prove beyond a
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reasonable doubt he did it. it is foolish to think that all the media coverage that he brought about will not seep into the mind of the jury. >>shepard: and more on the colorado movie theater massacre. that is coming up at the bottom of the hour and the top of the news on "studio b." if you have copd like i do, you know how hard it can be to breathe and what that feels like.
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>>shepard: this is "studio b" at the bottom the hour. time for the top of the news. the cops say this is the man responsible for slaughtering 12 people inside a colorado movie theater. lawmakers held a moment of silence in honor of the victims and recited the names of the dead. veronica moser sullivan. gordon cowden. matthew mcquinn. alex sullivan. macayly medek. john larimer. jesse childress. alexander bolk. jonathan blunk. miss wingo. alexander teves.
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jessica ghawli. we will republican. >>shepard: it would have been much worse. we are told the semi-automatic assault rifle jammed during the attack forcing him to switch to another gun without as much firepower. adam is across from the theater where it happened. adam? >>reporter: you can see the theater right there, about 200 yards away. we are told it will not be given back to the owners for another week. they want the defense team and the prosecution to get a look where it went down and do their own investigation as they prepare the case we heard about. this is a memorial set up across the street, the same man from illinois who put up the crosses after columbine, drove out, this time, to do the same for these victims. you can see over the last 24 hours they have been filled with all sorts of flowers and momentoes and notes, stuffed animals, flags, balloons, people
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writing all overtime cruetses. they have been hand written on. and this is what you see. if we turn the camera around, quickly, all the people that have been coming out from all overtime west from states to and three away driving to pay their respects. >>shepard: thank you, adam. greta was inside the court how as this happened. watching it, i don't know if it is because the way he planned it but i could not get over his demeanor. >>reporter: well, the demeanor was so flat. but it is one of two reasons: he is very well coped by his lawyers who said do not react to anything, just it is there, which i am sure the lawyers told him to do. or he is that lethargic or apathetic or maybe on some medicine. but in question he was lethargic he looked really weird coming to the courtroom.
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the hair looks to be spray painted, not dyed and the jump suit matched his hair, the prison jump suit so he looked bizarre. no question, the guy looked strange and the lawyers did not interact with him, at all, one lawyer sitting next to him and the main lawyer was at the defense table dressing court and a lawyer was next to him. the whole thing was bizarre. >>shepard: we didn't see the walk in or the walk out on television, at least i didn't. could you give us a sense of what it was like. >>reporter: well, it was only a 6' walk from the door to where he sat. so it was very quick. very lethargic, very flat, just like an empty body coming in and sitting down. so he didn't, this was in acknowledgment of anyone not courtroom. the victims were on the far side of the court. if he turned to his left he would have seen the victims. he was head on face with the camera, which got a good look.
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the fact that the camera had a frontal picture was news conference because usually they shoot overtime shoulders but they were positioned. i would have objected to the position and would insist he it is next to me at the defense table. it looked like it was a prop. i am not saying he deserves anything but, however, the whole way it was set up i thought i would have objected to it. >> if you were tasked with defending this man, where would you start? >>reporter: with what the lawyers said, asking for a gag order. the last thing they want is to have the jury pool poise on but i suspect this could be moved to another county because of the venue here is quite raw. so that is the first thing. so, and i would go to the crime scene, what they intend to do the movie theater is sealed off. i would bring expert witnesses.
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the big question in everyone's mind, whether he is crazy. whether he is insane, whether he meets insanity defense. i would have him interviewed whether he meets the standard in the state of colorado for insanity and another side issue is competency, he may not be competent to stand trial. that is whether at the time of trial he can assist his lawyers and he understands the proceedings going on. insanity goes to the time of the offense was committed so those are two different standards and i would examine that. he was caught with the goods. he walks outside, with the weird outguilty on, he has the hair, and everyone saw him standing at the car. he has the booby trapped apartment. this is know "who done it," but a question of what will happen. and whether he has a legal insanity defense. if they do not pursue this, it will be a low plea, sitting through a trial which will be painful because the prosecution will not want to give him a great deal, so, probably, maybe
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there will be plea bargaining, but this is not a "who done it," but a question, a community that is very hurt, very raw, cruel, evil things have been done. as awful as he is, the one thing we still put people through a judicial process which says a lot about us. not much about us but a lot about him. >>shepard: thank you, greta. we will look forward to "on the record," tonight right here on fox news channel. we are learning more stories of bravery from the massacre in aurora, colorado, and americans willing to rib their lives to save their friends and families and in some cases complete strangers. gerald brooks is a teenager and tells fox news amid the panic inside the crowded theater he spotted a woman trying to get out with her two young daughters. >> you do not know how you will react in a situation like that and i saw her two kids sitting there and my first reaction was to help them out as soon as i
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can. and it wasn't even about whether i made it out at that time, it was about her getting outside safe and sound and i was there to help her. all he crawled on top of the woman to help push her and her children out of the theater before but they could escape the gunman shot him in the thigh. he says he picked himself up and kept on moving on one leg. the mom was also wounded and both of them are now recovering at home. the kids are safe we are told. the woman now tells abc news that in the midst of the tragedy, she is glad there are good people out there. trace is like with us this afternoon. trace, these survivor stories, hero stories are incredible. >>trace: yes, and they all feel so blessed to be alive. and so angry at man who opened fire on them. one of them is a 17-year-old who was in theater eight next to theater nine where the shooter opened fire, sitting between two friends watching the movie and a bullet came through the wall and
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struck her in the face. it broke her tooth, shattered her gums and she lost a lot of blood. and now she is up and walking. and she feels very compelled to see james holmes in person. listen. >> i want to go to the courthouse and just see as much as i can. if i can get in, if i can just see this guy for how much hurt he has done to this whole state, this whole nation, i mean, i don't think he is hurting yet and i think he needs to. >>shepard: let's listen, the president the united states is speaking on the tragedy in the movie theater. let's listen. >> our forces are sent to iraq. you answered your country's call. because you know what americans must always remember.
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our nation only endures because there are patriots who protect. in the cruise bell of battle, you are tested in ways the rest of us will never know. you carry in your hearts the memory of the comrades you lost. for you understand that we must honor our fallen heroes not just on memorial day but on all days. and when an american goes missing or is taken prisoner we must do everything in our power to bring them home. (applause) >>shepard: the president has moved ton other matters and we, have what he said today regarding the tragedy in colorado on fox report at 7:00 eastern. syria's leaders say they have chemical weapons but "we will not use them on our own people."
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they claim they will not use them at all and use them only on outsiders if needed. why should we believe them on this or anything else? the latest on the civil war in syria, next. [ donovan ] i hit a wall.
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>>shepard: syrian official acknowledged that the regime does hold weapons of mass destruction, chemical weapons. he warned the military is ready to use the chemical weapons in the face of an attack by a foreign entity. the united states says they will hold the syrian regime responsible for the chemical weapons stockpile but today is the first time they admitted they exist. the foreign minister spokesman vowed not to use the chemical weapons on syrian civilians. we have heard promises from the syrian government for a long time. activistses have updated the doll from the uprising to more
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than 19,000 people killed since last march. the chief fox correspondent is here. president assad is hanging on despite projections he could fall in 36 hours and it has been longer than that. >> you remember the bombing in damascus last week, there was a lot of thought that maybe he would be gone in a day or two, but, certainly, his forces now fighting back very hard, indeed, and we have heard reports of syrian security forces going door-to-door in damascus kicking down doors, searching for anybody they believe may be involved in the rebellion, the fighting also has spread to the second largest city, fierce clashes being reported there, and the syrian observatory for human rights which monitors these things says in the past week more than 1,200 people have been killed. that makes it the most bloody week so far of what has been an 18-month battle. >>shepard: this syrian government says it will not use
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chemical weapons against its own people is the same syrian government that pretends terrorists are the ones attacking the country. >>jonathan: it is hard to believe any promises made by president assad so no one is taking seriously, really, his promise, now, that the chemical weapons will not be used on civilians given the murderous way he has dealt with his own people over the past 18 months. officials obviously are very worried about activity at installations where they are believed stored calling on everybody to be very responsible in the use of them. listen. >> absolutely the warnings we have given with regard to responsibility, to safeguard this kind of absolutely horrific and dangerous weapon have been made to regime, to opposition, to anyone who might get their hands on them. >>jonathan: one of the ironies here that while all u.s. officials have said they want assad to go, in some ways, they
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are more confident about the chemical weapons with the syrian regime in place. they are very worried about what might happen if they get not hands of the rebels given there are al qaeda elements there. >>shepard: and new senior fellow at brookings institution, a public policy organization based in washington, dc. >>guest: good to be with you. >>shepard: whatever syria says about the chemical weapons i am not sure we should pay much attention to that and move to the bigger picture, right? >>guest: you are right, for sure, although it is interesting to think what the calculation is behind the syrian regime in i believe they feel they can still hold on to something. some of them believe they can dwight the insurgency. that is not realistic anymore. they can, perhaps, hold on to a good chunk of the country and that obviously is their goal but they cannot achieve that getting if they do something that provokes foreign intervention on a major scale and we have said clearly rewould find chemical weapons use inacceptable this is
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to keep the war internal and to, you know, deter any kind of america intervention. if we did intervene and we are not going to, if we do they could use the chemical weapons against us as the statement implies but their worry is that we get involved in anyway, shape or form because that would spell the demise of their regime. they will not start the process that leads to that outcome. >>shepard: we have been told to watch out for the military and how well the military is responding to what the regime is telling it to do when the military stops playing along, it's over. what are the signs pointing to at this point? >>guest: well, a great question. it is the central question. so far, i still think that great what data i have seen, the military is mostly still behind assad. obviously, we can all point to the exceptions to that, to the various officer whose have defected, to the elements of the army that have splintered off or chosen not to fight, but, for the most part, from what i can
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see, 90 percent of the military is still behind the regime, partly because they know that the insurgency would probably exact severe vengeance if an for corps led by christians and a few loyalists of sunni muslims were thrown out of power, you could see a lot of retaliation so the army is hunkering down. i would love to be proven wrong and we have seen some changes but for the most part what i have seen is that most of the military is still behind the brutal president. >>shepard: the number of americans living below the poverty level could soon hit the highest level in more than four decades. and gerri willis from fox business will break it down and what it means bigger picture. and we will explain what is going on with the dow, it is up 50 points sin the program began so maybe there is some good news out there.
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>>shepard: and the president just spoke on syria and said and i quote, "syria's assad will be held accountable if he uses the chemical weapons." the president, with a warning, across the waters. all the number of members living in poverty could jump to the highest level since the 1960's. the latest numbers from the government puts the poverty rate at 15.1 percent in 2010 so 46 million americans were living below the poverty threshhold. 46 million. the census will not report the findings for a year, until
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september, i should say but a survey of a dozen economists and experts shows that the poverty rate could have jumped for as high as 15.7 percent last year, a rise to 15.2 percent. this does not make sense to me but what makes sense, gerri is with us from fox business. the gap between those who have a lot and those who don't have a damn thing, is bigger than it has ever been in the history of this nation. >>gerri: the highest rate ever for poverty rate, 50 years since 1959, that is what you seeing. and you may say, well we have had a terrible economy and unemployment is high. >>shepard: it does not make sense. >>gerri: there is more than just running out of unemployment. automation. some jobs going away all together. so it could go on for another two years. >>shepard: as part of this real wealth, real income has not increased for the american male since the mid-1970's.
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it looks as if we are dealing with a system that isn't ready for the new global world. we are not increasing any of the categories, skilled labor, nothing increasing in the united states. we have a broken model. >>gerri: broken model for the average american the problems are huge. male or female. the only group that is doing okay --. >>shepard: the one thing that is working, we are taking care of our old people. >>gerri: that is right. 5 a or old, social security, still in place, still working for people in that age group. but, poverty is not what it used to be. if you are below the poverty line in this country you have a tv set, you have a car, you probably have an xbox, you may have a wide screen tv. it is different than it used to be fundamentally because those consumer products go right into the homes, as well. >>shepard: well, bad news from europe today, sent the dow lower. >>gerri: spain still in trouble. there could be a big bailout. greece could run out of money in september.
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how many times do we have to go back do that country and make things right? >>shepard: all right, thank you, gerri. more than a dozen people are dead after a crowded pickup truck ran off the road and slammed into two trees. happened a couple of mores southeast san antonio last night. investigators say up to 23 people including at least two children, were crammed into the pickup. ten are wounded. investigator say the victims may have been undocument the immigrants and they report it could take days before they can figure out what caused the crash. >> the bears are not satisfied with rummaging through your backyard now they are visiting suburban shopping malls. bears. in ladies lingerie? no! [ female announcer ] e-trade was founded on the simple belief
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>>shepard: a maul -- small plane forced to land on a
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freeway in california when it ran out of gas. the pilot landed on the highway and a drunk driver swiped the left wing but no reports of major damage. >> and then there is this before we wrap it up at "studio b" today. the hot new place for young cubs to see and be seen is the pittsburgh mills mall outside of the steel city. not once, but twice this weekend police shopped up to deal with the bears in the mall. the first time it happened on saturday evening, police say a bear cub wandered into the mall and was stuck inside a sears store. the animal growled at customers and police brought in the officials who tranquilized the bear. and then, another bear and he found his own way out but it wasn't through causing trouble showing you open a highway and caused a traffic jam. officials say they setting up a trap for that bear today. th


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